The Bikepacking Journal Issue 02
After months of seeking out the best bikepacking writing and photography from around the world, we’re almost ready to launch our second issue of The Bikepacking Journal. It’s packed with a fresh collection essays and stories, all in the full glory of print! Read on for a peek inside, along with details on how to subscribe before the April 17th cutoff…

We had no idea what to expect when we launched the inaugural issue of The Bikepacking Journal last fall, and we’ve been floored by its reception. So it’s with enthusiasm and pride that we present this second 148-page collection of pedal-powered writing and photography from around the world.
This time around, we dig deeper into a range of themes and questions. What responsibility do we have to the places we pedal through? To the people whose everyday lives intersect our journeys? How does failure shape our mindset for future endeavors? What can we learn from the people who blazed trails before us? Our contributors take us further into new experiences and unfamiliar territory. They also find fresh meaning in places they’ve pedaled countless times before.
Stories in Issue 02:
Blizzard Beasts
An Arctic fatbike journey by Bjørn Olson and Kim McNett
AlaskaDog Days
Meltdown on the Maah Daah Hey Trail by Mark Reimer
North DakotaEthiopia Retrospectum
A recollection of people and place by Joe Cruz and Logan Watts
EthiopiaHell Biking Turns 30
Commemorating absurdity by Brett Davis and Steve Fassbinder
AlaskaLos Primeros
Outsiders in Oaxaca by Mark Watson
MexicoLost and Found
Repaying kindness by Franzi Wernsing
FranceMar Sin Leat
Farewell to the Cairngorms by Huw Oliver
ScotlandRough-Stuff Fellowship
The world’s oldest off-road cycling club by Mark Watson
EnglandSeat Projections
Keeping Tassie wild by Clare Nattress and Matty Waudby
TasmaniaThe Road to Progress
A changing Zanskar Valley by Eileen Schwab and Andy Hovey
IndiaTito’s Traverse
Six days of surprises by Thomas Woodson

Interested in more stories like this one? Enjoy inspiring writing and breathtaking photographs, all in the full glory of print!
- Twice yearly – New issues are released in April and October of each year.
- Free shipping – Shipping is on us, anywhere in the world.
- Carefully crafted – We've worked hard to create something beautiful and lasting.
- Limited edition – We print one copy for each of our members, and not many beyond that.
- Only in print – There's nothing quite like savoring stories and images on paper.
- Truly independent – This project wouldn't be possible without our members.
- Member Support – Sustains this website and all the content we publish.